behavior performance
April 29, 2019

Behavior Indicators – Why it is so important for Students!

We know Schools are meant for educating, well at-least, it is what is expected from them – imparting knowledge of Language, Science, Mathematics, creativity subjects and others. And of-course the objective is to enable the skills of communication, presentation, engineering, physical sports and innovation. Whether these are achieved for every kid who goes to school and whether they are measured for skills is a different topic altogether.evolvu attitude

This article is to highlight how apart from the skills that are developed to survive and succeed for every individual student, it is equally or arguably more important to define, identify, measure and correct the behavior pattern of these, next generation citizens. These behavior patterns can be categorized as non-scholastic and can be termed as Behavior Indicators.

These Behavior patters are very important in the developmental transition of a child into an adult, since these parameters will decide the ability of an individual on how to respond to situations of  success, failure, leadership, ownership, responsibility, pressure and others. I believe, working and improving the behavioral  abilities is the responsibility of school, society and the parents. The school is a major stakeholder since they have the ability to define, identify, measure and be part of the improvement process.

“Behavior Performance is measured to understand how an individual will respond to situations of  success, failure, leadership, ownership, responsibility, pressure and other situations”

So what are some of these Behavior Indicators

  1. Self Discipline
  2. Respect for Others
  3. Seeking Betterment
  4. Observation and focus
  5. Application of skills
  6. Confidence
  7. Completing what has been started
  8. Participation
  9. Responsibility
  10. Ownership
  11. Listening
  12. Quick in Judgements

There are schools who are measuring these parameters and the next step for them would be to define and apply solution for improvisation that would include Parents involvement.

Other schools could take a piece out of the learning and help build better level of society.

As AceVentura we can help the schools to define these parameters and implement the process to measure them.

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